Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Road to Herald


Continue playing troll hunter but today I start helping one guy to level his char. After 3 days he just deleted me from friendlist and skype, why? Who knows I dont care I move with my everyday leveling.
Here is some screenshots:


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Road to Herald


Goblin shaman
level 90
played time: 9 days 1 hour 11 minutes 8 seconds

Troll hunter
level 70
played time: 3 days 21 hours 44 minutes 29 seconds


Road to Herald


Goblin shaman
level 89
played time: 8 days 21 hours 32 minutes 36 seconds


Thursday, July 25, 2013

Road to Herald


Ding level 88 with played time:
8 days 17 hours 57 minutes and 34 seconds
3.481 golds 42 silvers 23 coppers.

At the end of day level 88 played time:
8 days 20 hours 3 minutes and 29 seconds
4.091 golds 31 silvers 16 coppers.


Road to Herald


Ding level 87 with played time:
8 days 15 hours 35 minutes and 0 seconds
and finished day with played time:
8 days 15 hours 55 minutes and 7 seconds with 2.688 golds 31 silvers and 96 coppers.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

BloodElf mage and Goblin shaman


Mage ding level 80
played time: 3 days 10 hours 24 minutes 19 seconds

Shaman 85-90
start: level 85
played time: 8 days 12 hours 21 minutes 48 seconds
790 golds 93 silvers 29 coppers

end of day: level 85
played time: 8 days 13 hours 37 minutes 13 seconds
1.161 golds 51 silvers 17 coppers


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

BloodElf mage 76-80


Start: level 76
played time: 3 days 7 hours 14 minutes 6 seconds
7746 golds 21 silvers 7 coppers


Undead warrior 77-80


Start: level 77
played time: 5 days 18 hours 23 minutes 6 seconds

Level 80
played time: 5 days 21 hours 22 minutes 43 seconds



Sunday, July 21, 2013

Everyday in World of WarCraft

Hello sitegrabbers and strangers

2013 has been the worst year so far, noone and by letters noone even interesting in my services. A last couple of days I try to help people with RaF-ing but everyone wants benefits and nothing to invest, everyone wants from me to buy battlechest a couple wants full account with at least one months game card hahahah.

If anyone wants RaF partner I only need battlechest EU/US where we play I need that battlechest and 4x 14slots bag.

My contact is the same skype: vladimir.baralic92