Erro from Sythe contact me and we agree that I shall level up his troll hunter from 83 to 85 and he will pay 12.00EUR to my ex-moneybookers acc now Skrill. He said he is in hurry to work and he will pay at 18.00CET, when we agree it was around 15.00 and something, ok no problemos. He goes off from msn and after 3min he log again :D
Around 19.20 I dong 84 and said that I go off shopping time and dinner and that is over a hour from 18.00 and he didnt pay. When I back around 21.00 I find message he will pay at 20.30 when he turn back from work. After a min and my message Back on msn he answer hi I just finishing EoS, so he plays when I log off no work no nothing.
I said you didnt pay he answered my acc is lock waiting mail from Skrill blablabla and final message are you ready to continue? hahhahaha I said no money no playing.
I saw hunter is ding to 85 he can do it without my help but he want to waste my time so here is some screenshot of hunter and btw question for Blizzard employees how can I make screenshots on acc protecting by authenticator?